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Top 3 benefits for reducing employee stress

Benefits | 5-minute read

Posted on: Wednesday April 10, 2024

by Zach Berwick, New Business Development Director

In today's high-stress work environment, taking proactive steps to reduce employee stress is not just a luxury but a necessity. 

It’s shocking to learn that according to the CIPD, 79% of respondents reported stress-related absences in their organisations over the past year. 

On the bright side, a growing number of employers are acknowledging the importance of addressing stress issues, but here's the catch: only 52% of those organisations believe they are effective at managing work-related stress. These statistics highlight the ongoing challenge and opportunity for improvement in managing workplace stress. 

Workplace stress is impacting both employees and organisations, creating a need for employers to support their workforce. One of the best ways to lower employee stress is to establish workplace wellness programs.  

This article will explore the top 3 benefits for reducing employee stress: 

1. Supporting healthy habits 

Mental and physical health go hand in hand. Eating healthily, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are all important for our mental wellbeing, but often these routines go out the window when we’re feeling stressed. We may struggle to sleep or find time for exercise and crave sugary or fatty foods as a short-term way of boosting our mood. 

Help your employees develop healthy habits by creating a resource hub filled with articles, videos, and other helpful content, or take a more hands-on approach by hosting workshops on how to identify and cope with stress. 

Most importantly, make it evident that your company places a high value on the mental and physical wellbeing of your employees. Giving employees these tools will be useful not only to alleviate immediate periods of stress but will also help build workforce resilience in the long term.  

2. Mental wellness apps 

Mental health apps are gaining traction with employers, and it's no surprise. Younger employees, on average, pick up their smartphones around 85 times a day. These apps offer a handy solution for managing everyday mental health concerns such as anxiety and stress. They have user-friendly exercises, tools, and techniques tailored to individual mental wellness needs, including things like breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness practices.  

One of the biggest perks of these apps is their accessibility – employees can tap into them anytime, anywhere which is beneficial for supporting your remote employees. 
3. Therapy  

When life gets stressful, we all need someone to talk to. That's where Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) come in. They provide a confidential 24/7 phone line, connecting employees with trained advisors who are ready to listen and offer practical guidance on whatever is on their minds. EAPs even arrange sessions with professional counsellors over the phone or in person. 

The beauty of this service is that employees can access it discreetly, and it doesn't cost them a penny. EAPs cover a wide range of complex issues, but sometimes all you need is a friendly ear to chat with, in the wee small hours.  Sharing how we feel – good or bad – with a trusted listener can help let off steam and prevent stress building up. 

If you're looking to upgrade your employee wellness program with health and wellness benefits, we can help! Our Hapi platform, brought to you by Personal Group, is designed to boost wellbeing in the workplace and every aspect of your life. Get in touch with an expert now



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