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A Guide to Multi-Generational Engagement

Engagement | Communication | Benefits | Wellness

Posted on: Monday June 11, 2018

In a workplace containing four generations of employees, it is important to understand that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to employee benefits.

While it is unlikely that every member of staff will be motivated by the same benefits, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t offer rewards altogether. Check out our infographic below to better understand what each generation wants from their benefits offering.

While the tips here will help form the outline for your benefits offering, make sure you are actively checking what your workers really want, perhaps by using pulse surveys or nominating employee representatives.

If you need more guidance on tailoring your benefits offering, then check out our benefits audit checklist, or give us a call on 01908 605000 or email


5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Reward and Recognition Programme

How to use your Reward and Recognition Programme to its full potential?

Posted on: 24 July 2024

Pedal Power: Embracing the Cycle to Work Scheme

Q&A with Andrei Bugariu The Cycle to Work Scheme is a government initiative aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing environmental impact by encouraging employees to cycle to work. By participating in this scheme, employees can purchase a bike (pedal or electric) and cycling accessories through their employer, enjoying benefits such as spreading the cost over a fixed period and tax savings through salary sacrifice. We caught up with Personal Group IT Developer, Andrei Bugariu who uses our scheme to find out about why he uses the benefit.

Posted on: 23 July 2024

Pride at Work: What does it mean to be more inclusive in the workplace?

Being more inclusive at work, especially with respect to LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, and others) individuals, involves creating a workplace environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression.

Posted on: 13 June 2024 by Maral Gholami, Colleague Experience Manager

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