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The Secret to hAPPiness

Engagement | Wellness | Resource

Posted on: Monday February 11, 2019

An overwhelming 85% of workers believe that their employers have a responsibility to support the health and wellbeing of staff. We, at Personal Group, agree, not least because a workforce with easy access to wellbeing resources and medical advice could become healthier, happier and more productive.

A physical wellbeing strategy is crucial to help employees live longer, healthier lives while simultaneously improving work performance and reducing sickness absence. However, the rise of 'on-demand' services and real-time technology in all aspects of our lives has changed the way many people expect to deal with their health-related issues. Check out our infographic to see some employee wellbeing stats from our recent research.

To get a demo of Personal Group's benefits platform, Hapi, email or contact us. 


5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Reward and Recognition Programme

How to use your Reward and Recognition Programme to its full potential?

Posted on: 24 July 2024

Pedal Power: Embracing the Cycle to Work Scheme

Q&A with Andrei Bugariu The Cycle to Work Scheme is a government initiative aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing environmental impact by encouraging employees to cycle to work. By participating in this scheme, employees can purchase a bike (pedal or electric) and cycling accessories through their employer, enjoying benefits such as spreading the cost over a fixed period and tax savings through salary sacrifice. We caught up with Personal Group IT Developer, Andrei Bugariu who uses our scheme to find out about why he uses the benefit.

Posted on: 23 July 2024

Pride at Work: What does it mean to be more inclusive in the workplace?

Being more inclusive at work, especially with respect to LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, and others) individuals, involves creating a workplace environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression.

Posted on: 13 June 2024 by Maral Gholami, Colleague Experience Manager

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